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16-19 Weeks Pregnant

16 Weeks

Week 16 kicked off with our 16 week appointment with the nurse practitioner. Baby's heartrate was measuring at 140bpm.

Symptoms wise I have definitely had more energy most days, but still have some days where I am more tired, especially by 3 or 4 in the afternoon. I've noticed that at nights I am a lot warmer than I normally am and have only been sleeping with a sheet and a throw blanket. Sleeping without my pregnancy pillow no longer happens, and I prefer not to lay flat in the bed regardless of being on my side.

The headaches have continued into this week, but I don't feel like they are as strong and most days they feel more like sinus headaches.

This past week we started our baby registry and have picked a lot of our bigger items that we were able to keep gender neutral, but we are anxiously awaiting finding out if we are having a boy or a girl at the end of the month.

17 Weeks

Week 17 has definitely brought on more energy, that is until about 8 each night. By 8 I am ready for bed.

Once I fall asleep, I am usually asleep until between 1:30 and 3:30 before I have to get up and use the restroom and reposition in bed. Most nights I fall back asleep without any issues, but there have been a few times when I am up for an hour or so before I fall back asleep.

We've had secret Santa at work this week and baby also received gifts each day. It was so much fun getting to open something for baby.

We still have 3 more weeks until we know if baby is a boy or a girl. As much as I have loved all the gender neutral options, it will be a lot of fun finally getting to buy something gender specific.

18 Weeks

Week 18 kicked off our first Christmas celebration and baby definitely got spoiled. We got some clothes, swaddles, and books. It's been a lot of fun carrying on our current traditions as well as starting to think of new traditions to start next year.

As far as symptoms go everything has remained pretty mild. I have a good amount of energy during the day, but by 8:30 I am ready for bed each night.

The countdown to our 20 week scan and gender reveal is creating lots of excitement.

19 Weeks

Week 19 we carried on with Christmas celebrations with Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Baby has continued to be spoiled and it has been so much fun opening all of the baby items.

Symptoms have continued to be mild, but once I sit down on the couch at night I am usually quick to fall asleep.

We are in the final stretch before we find out the gender.

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