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24-27 Weeks Pregnant

Week 24

This week brought on another appointment with our nurse practitioner. We got to listen to baby's heartbeat which was a challenge because our appointment was later in the day so baby was more active. We were finally able to get a reading of around 140 bpm. The nurse practitioner informed us that we have a "very stubborn baby" which I think we both knew would be the case.

She reminded us as we were leaving that the next time we come in for an appointment we will be in the third trimester and that it will be our last monthly appointment before we switch to every two weeks. To say that put things into perspective of just how quickly baby will be here is an understatement.

Week 25

This week baby has been moving more. He is still moving more in the evening/at night once I am starting to settle down and moving less, but there are times when he is moving during the day.

Week 26

It's crazy how few changes there seem to be from one week to the next at this point in the pregnancy. I continue to feel baby move more and more during the day and into the evening. I have seen him move once so far and I can't wait to see him move and kick more and more as we get further along.

Week 27

There aren't many changes from last week to this week. Baby boy continues to kick pretty regularly these days. We are looking forward to our appointment next week where we will have another ultrasound and get to see baby boy and measure his growth.

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