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20-23 Weeks Pregnant

20 Weeks

We kicked off week 20 with an in depth sono to look at baby and gather all the needed measurements to make sure that baby is growing appropriately. Baby was measuring about a week ahead at the time of the sono and was measuring in the 85th percentile.

They did inform us that there is a marginal cord insertion of the placenta. This means that instead of the umbilical cord attaching at the center of the placenta it attaches off to one side. Our OB assured us that this is nothing to be concerned about. She said that it does mean that baby has the potential to have a lower birth weight depending on the amount of nutrients they are able to get from the placenta as we get further along in the pregnancy, but we will do growth scans once a month to monitor baby's size and make sure that they aren't falling on the growth chart.

After our 20 week scan we had a couple days of waiting to find out the gender of baby. Our friends through us the perfect New Year's Eve gender reveal with our own very special ball drop. We are both ecstatic to be welcoming baby BOY in May.

21 Weeks

Week 21 didn't have many symptoms to it. We finalized our baby registry once we were able to add all of the boy items to our list. My energy levels continue to improve during the day and my appetite is definitely back in full force. Heartburn has been pretty hit and miss so far thankfully.

22 Weeks

Week 22 brought on feeling baby boy kicking which has been the best feeling ever. Overall week 22 was pretty anticlimactic as far as symptoms go. There is less and less changes from week to week.

23 Weeks

Week 23 wasn't much different than week 21 and 22, but hubby was able to feel baby kick a couple times this week. It's not very often that the kicks can be felt outside of the belly, but every once in a while, when I lay down at night there are some strong kicks.

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