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2021 Reflections (post #14)

Updated: Jan 10, 2022

As many people do at the beginning of a new year, I have been reflecting on everything that happened over the last year.

January and February of 2021 were fairly uneventful due to it still being cold in Kansas during those months.

March - In March we ventured down to Branson and Eureka Springs, AR for a little get away. While there we went to a handful of museums, went wine and moonshine tasting, and did some shopping at the outlet mall. We tried new restaurants and a local brewery, and enjoyed the peace and quiet that came with staying the weekend in a small town. Not to mention we stayed in the cutest little cabin while we were there!

April - In April we made a 4 hour trip to buy new bikes, because thanks to Covid, everywhere around us was sold out. We went for a handful of bike rides, including one to one of our local wineries.

May - In May we kicked off the month with buying me a new car, and buying us a new dog. My husband took me saying we would only get a new dog if it was a Brittany Spaniel as a challenge and he didn’t give up until he found us one. We wrapped up the month by hitting up wineries about an hour from us that we hadn’t tried before.

June - June was pretty laid back as we had just wrapped up an eventful month and were getting ready for our big trip in July.

July - In July we celebrated 4 years of marriage on the 1st, and spent time with family and friends on the 3rd as we put on our own “mini” fireworks show. On the 4th, alongside two of our best friends we FINALLY boarded a plane to head to Mexico for a week. We spent a week relaxing, drinking and eating, and soaking up the sun. We spent a day off of the resort where we went snorkeling and explored one of the islands near Cancun. One week after getting home from Cancun we found out we were pregnant.

August - In August we saw our baby for the first and last time. We endured the hardest thing we have ever been through as a couple, and as individuals to this date.

September - In September we started working on ourselves as individuals, and as a couple. We set time for each other each week whether it be going out to dinner, or just enjoying a tv show together. We enjoyed a trip to Colorado Springs with my parents over Labor Day weekend where we were able to leave everything that had happened in the last month behind, and be able to enjoy some time away. We went to Pikes Peak, Garden of the Gods, and the downtown area of Old Colorado City.

October - In October we continued to work on ourselves and our relationship. I slowly got back into working out which helped my mental health even if I wasn’t doing it consistently.

November - In November we spent a weekend pheasant hunting. It was that weekend that I really saw and felt growth in my mental health. It was the first time that I spent a weekend not thinking about everything we had been through, and truly enjoying the moment we were in without feeling guilty about it. We had Thanksgiving with my parents and my in-laws, which allowed us more time to enjoy the company of family.

December - In December we spent the first two weekends deer hunting. The second weekend that we were out we each got our first deer. The third weekend of December we celebrated Christmas with my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Christmas day was spent with my parents and my in-laws, and New Years Eve was spent surrounded by some of our closest friends.

I am excited to see what 2022 has in store for us.

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