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A Letter From Momma (post #27)

Updated: Aug 23, 2022

To my angel baby,

It’s hard to believe it’s already been a year since you passed. There isn’t a day that has gone by where you haven’t been on my mind. I spent many days and months questioning why you had to leave so soon, truthfully I don’t know that I have ever or will ever know the answer. It brings me peace knowing that the first person you saw when you opened your eyes was Jesus. I also have found peace in knowing you aren’t up there alone. You have soo many family members up there taking care of you and I’m sure they are spoiling you rotten.

I still find myself wondering what you would have looked like. Who would you have become? This past year I have learned a lot about myself, and in some part I have you to thank for that. If you wouldn’t have come into our lives I wouldn’t have seen just how truly magical life can be. I wouldn’t have seen how important it is to live each and every day to its fullest. I hadn’t really been in a good place with God before you came along, I wasn’t in a bad place either, I just stopped talking to him. After you passed I felt like I couldn’t turn to him, I was angry with him for taking you from us. In the last several months I have relearned to lean on him, to talk to him, and trust in his timing.

I can’t say that I’ve come to accept that you were needed in heaven more than we needed you here, but maybe one day I will. I feel your presence anytime I see a cardinal or butterfly, and I’ve always felt like it was a sign from you anytime I see rays of sun through the clouds.

I hope that you are dancing on the clouds, and singing with the angels. Until we meet again my sweet baby.

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