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Another Doctor, Another Waiting Game (post #21)

Today was the appointment with the Reproductive Endocrinologist. In some ways it was good to get more answers, in others it's just another waiting game. She confirmed that we are in fact dealing with infertility, specifically related to PCOS. The PCOS diagnosis was confirmed today because of the irregular cycles, and having a slightly elevated level of testosterone. Even though my OB said that my ovaries "don't look like PCOS" the REI doctor said that ovary appearance is only a portion of a PCOS diagnosis, and isn't always necessary. She feels confident that the medication she plans to start me on will regulate my hormone levels as well as allowing me to ovulate normally.

Another thing that she told us today at the appointment was that as long as the ovarian cyst is not growing or causing me pain then she has no intention of doing surgery to remove the cyst. She said one of the big things with removing the cyst is that it will lower my egg count which can lead to more infertility issues. If it gets to a point where the cyst begins growing, or is causing me pain, then we will move forward with removing the cyst.

The last big thing that we discussed today during the appointment was the uterus shape. For this she is wanting to do another sonogram so that she can get a better idea of what we are dealing with. The first possibility is that the muscle of the uterus is coming down in the middle instead of being flat. If this is the case then she said she would leave it as it wouldn't interfere with conceiving or be a cause of potential miscarriages in the future. The second option is that it could be that the muscle is flat at the top like "normal", but that there is fibrous tissue that is coming down in the middle. If this is the case then she would want to go in and remove the tissue because it could lead to an increased number of miscarriages in the future. Unfortunately, the type of sonogram that she is needing to do to get the correct imaging has to be done between cycle day 6 and cycle day 10. Since today is currently cycle day 4 we either have to get this scheduled ASAP, or wait another month before we can have a for sure answer and then begin medication.

At the end of the day I feel like we continue to be getting good information, but for someone who has never had a lot of patience, this waiting game is terrible.

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