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Follow Up Appt (post #24)

I walked into work this morning telling myself that I was putting everything into God's hands and I wasn’t going to stress over things I couldn’t change. A few hours after being at work I got a notification that I had a message on the patient portal from my fertility doctors office.

When I opened the message I saw that they said there was a cancellation for an appointment today at 3:30 that I could do via telehealth.

During this appointment my doctor told me that the results from the MRI looked great. She said the uterus is indeed an arcuate uterus which is totally normal. She said that this would not interfere with pregnancy. She believes that it is my hormone levels that are keeping us from getting pregnant.

The next step moving forward is to start Femara (Letrozole). For this I will have an ultrasound on CD (cycle day) 1 or 2, then I will take the medication for CD 3-7. After this we will do another ultrasound to see how the follicles are growing. From there they will set a date for me to do a trigger shot which will force ovulation.

To say that I am excited is an understatement. I feel like things are really starting to fall into place for us after this almost year long journey, but I am also scared. Scared that the medications won’t work, scared that the medications will work and we’ll get pregnant only to miscarry again. The number of thoughts and emotions coursing through my brain are deafening, but I know in my heart that God has gotten us to this point, he will continue to guide us on our journey to meeting our rainbow baby.

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