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Holidays After a Miscarriage (post #12)

Updated: Jan 10, 2022

Thanksgiving and Christmas have always been two of my favorite holidays. I love the time with family at Thanksgiving, and I love everything about Christmas from the original meaning of the holiday to the decorations and lights that come with the newer ‘version’ of Christmas.

This year however, I can’t help but feel a little differently. I can’t help but think about the fact that I should be getting ready for my baby shower. I can’t help but think about all the presents that family members would have bought for our baby.

Yesterday as my husband and I were getting the decorations out of the shop I told him that I was having mixed feelings about decorating. I told him that I was excited to decorate because it’s one of my favorite things about Christmas, but as I was sitting on the floor fixing the branches on the tree, I couldn’t help but think about how if I had still been pregnant I would have struggled to get down on to the floor and struggled to get back up.

As quickly as the thought had come it was gone. It wasn’t until later when I was putting together my Christmas village that I stopped and a wave of guilt hit me. “How could I possibly be this happy when we’ve been through hell the last few months,” I thought to myself. As if my husband knew exactly what I was thinking he reminded me that it’s okay to be happy.

I know that each day of this holiday season isn’t always going to be sunshine and rainbows, but I’m going to try to remind myself that it is perfectly fine to embrace the days that are sunshine and rainbows.

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