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Hurry Up and Wait.. (post #20)

Today was the follow up visit from the ultrasound last week. We got a lot of answers, but also nothing we can do anytime soon.

The first thing she addressed was the abnormality in the shape of the uterus. We first found out about this back in August when I had the first sonogram. She said she doesn’t think that it plays into the infertility, but that it could lead to more miscarriages in the future depending on the blood flow to the septum.

The second thing addressed was that there is a 4.6 cm cyst on the right ovary that she said could be affecting my cycles. She told us that since I’m not getting a positive ovulation test until day 28 she doesn’t think I am actually ovulating.

She is planning to start me on a medication to regulate my cycles and hopefully get my body ovulating, but we can’t start those until the cyst is gone because the medicine could cause it to grow more. I will go back at the end of July to see if the cyst has gone away on its own or if I will need to do surgery to remove it.

There are a few more labs that she wants to have done just to make sure we have covered all of our bases, but I feel better knowing we have some answers and a path to be on.

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