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It’s All Just a Waiting Game (post #9)

Updated: Jan 10, 2022

Anybody who has ever tried to get pregnant will tell you that the two weeks between ovulation and when your period is supposed to start feels like a lifetime. The anticipation of waiting to see if this is the month that the stick shows two lines, or if it’s right back to trying the next month. But when you’re trying to get pregnant after a miscarriage, the wait, anxiety, and anticipation is 100 times worse I think.

You want so badly for the stick to show two lines, but at the same time you are absolutely terrified that if it does it will end the same way the last pregnancy did. I’m sitting here, one day “late”, but I can’t bring myself to take another test. I took one a few days before I was supposed to get my period and it showed negative, but it also wasn’t an early response test so now I don’t know if that’s the reason or if it’s because it was truly a negative test.

I’m trying so hard to not get my hopes up, but the longer I go without it starting makes me hope more and more that this will be the month that we get pregnant again.

The logical side of me knows that the odds of us getting pregnant 3 months after the miscarriage is unlikely, but the hopeful side of me wants it so badly.

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