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One Step Forward, 3 Steps Backward (post #22)

Updated: Aug 2, 2022

In the last post I had talked about the saline sonogram that had to be done during cycle day 6-10. Thankfully I was able to get in on Monday to have it done instead of having to wait another month. The downside is that it was inconclusive on the uterus shape. This means that the next step will be to do a MRI with contrast so that they can get an idea of what we are dealing with and know if surgery is indicated or not.

I am currently waiting back from the hospital to get an idea of what this will cost us out of pocket before we get anything scheduled. Thankfully the MRI is covered by insurance, but we are quickly finding that not everything that is “fertility treatment/testing” is covered by insurance.. just another wonderful part of this journey we have discovered.

One plus side from the sonogram is that the ovarian cyst is now measuring at 16.9mm (1.69 cm) so it is down 3 cm since the last ultrasound. They will continue to monitor it in future scans, but for now it is no longer on their radar of concern. For now we will take this as a win as we wait to hear back to schedule the MRI.

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